
Showing posts from May, 2020

Shesa's MAY 2020 Investment Blog

May 2020 - INVESTMENT BLOG By Shesa Nayak      Wishing a Happy Memorial Day to all my readers! U.S. Stock Market Update     Finally, the storms in stock market seems to have settled a bit. We still see some volatility but that's expected  to continue for a foreseeable future. At least for now, we are no more on a roller coaster ride. First quarter earnings are almost over, so far 95% of the S&P 500 companies have already reported their earnings. The pandemic continues all over the world but some businesses across the globe have started reopening to avoid  further economy disaster. After a couple of rounds of stimulus, there are further talks among political parties for next round of multi-trillion-dollar stimulus. Democratic party came with their proposal for $3 trillion package that aims to push funds to people, localities and institutions hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Republican wants their own version of the package. As we are aware, ...