
Showing posts from March, 2014


INVESTMENT GROUP MEET We are planning to have an " Investment Group Meet " this  SATURDAY, 3/22/14 from 2 P.M - 3.30 P.M in FREMONT, CA  at the address and link provided below. If you are interested please make it convenient to attend by person. The tentative agenda is given below. This session will be  interactive . So all welcomed to share their thought.  Current situation in US Equity Market What we can expect going forward within USA and Internationally? How to protect our profit in case of market downturn and why maintaining investment discipline is so critical for success! Questions & Answers Here is the  address   and link to venue:  Wellness By All Means 5500 Stewart Ave, Suite 200 Fremont CA 94538. index.php?option=com_contact& view=contact&id=3&Itemid=58

Shesa's MARCH 2014 Investment Blog

                        8 March 2014 MARCH 2014 Investment Blog Shesa Nayak    Market Commentary   Welcome to my MARCH investment blog. Let’s take a quick glance to the current market phenomena and what we can expect going forward. This week the DOW Jones Industrial Average closed this Friday at 16452.72 , S&P 500 closed at  1878.04 and NASDAQ closed at 4336.22. Most of these indexes have gained in last one month after the February 3 rd low. NASDAQ is trying to inch ahead towards its all time high in January 2000 but I still think it will take some more time before we could see a new all time high. Last Monday, stocks on Wall Street tumbled amid a global sell-off and rising geopolitical risk due to the escalating conflict between Russia and Ukraine. The investors started buying US Treasury bonds and commodities to mitigate risk. On...