
Showing posts from November, 2014


            23 November 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 Investment Blog Shesa Nayak    U.S. Stock Market Commentary Hello and Welcome to my November investment blog. I completed one year of publishing my blog. I wish and hope that you have enjoyed reading my blog. The DOW Jones closed last Friday at 17,810.06 , S&P 500 closed at  2063.50 and NASDAQ closed at 4,712.97 points . The US stock market has been making new highs and inching further new historical high as days progresses. Why is this happening? Where are we trending for the rest of the year? Can NASDAQ go past 5000 points? I think NASDAQ could approach to 5000 points, DOW going past 18000 points and S&P 500 marching beyond 2200 points before the end of this year. Please read below to get some insight on the above questions and my analysis. Before I discuss this month’s excellent Chinese ADR stock pick, let’s first discuss other economy news t...