UPDATE: Master Card Split and EXEL
MasterCard Incorporated (MA): I recommended in my blog last month traded today for the first time after split. If you bought your share please check your account and you should have got 10 stocks for every 1 stock that you hold. EXEL: Exelixis plans to offer 10 million shares of its common stock in an overnight underwritten public offering (EXEL). The price will be determined tomorrow AM. As a matter of fact, there could be some correction tomorrow. Hence it may not be a bad idea to take some position. This has gone up about 38% from the time I wrote on my December blog. Which one - Master Card (MA) or Visa (V)? Both these companies good and have their strength and weaknesses. This is a good debate to have. However, I personally would like MA over V, based on fundamentals and growth prospect. See the table below. The green colors are critical factors where MA scores higher than Visa. Visa could be little cheaper but coincidently reven...